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About us

As an innovative software company focussing on our core competencies, we have been convincing our customers with future-oriented concepts since 1992 – and we are constantly evolving! Our aim is to fulfil our customers’ requirements with commitment and passion, both in our work for the customer and in our day-to-day cooperation.


Projects Done Law Firm

Since the company was founded, we have successfully implemented several hundreds of projects within patent law firms.


Projects Done Industry

Also, with over a hundred successfully completed project implementations, we are your proven partner for excellence in the patent departments of leading companies.


Digital Work

We work with you to solve the “paper jam” and create a completely digital workplace for you


Interfaces to external service providers

Thanks to our API, you remain fully networked with Genese and do not have to do without any of the applications you already use. Direct communication with the relevant authorities is also possible.

Our Mission

Empowering Tomorrow Through Innovative Software Solutions

We firmly believe that the key to success is putting our customers at the center of everything we do and delivering customized IP management software that meets their unique needs.

Our Philosophy

Excellence Since 1992

Tradition and operational development: We are characterised by flat hierarchies, a high level of expertise and over 30 years of market experience in the IP sector.
Quality without compromise: We are committed to the highest quality in every aspect of our software development, from planning to delivery and subsequent support.
Customer Focus: Our customers are at the centre of everything we do and we strive to exceed their needs and expectations.
Agility and adaptability: We strive to be agile and flexible in order to quickly fulfil changing market requirements.

Visit Us At Our Office

Head office

Leerkämpe 7
28259 Bremen

Tel: +49-421-56561-0
Fax: +49-421-56561-56
Email: mail@genese.de

Sales + Consulting

Munich Office
Tel.: +49-89-43717842
E-Mail: muenchen@genese.de